Shoreham Village Hall
A spacious hall for local eventsHire the hall.
We have a variety of regular activities running at the hall each week. For example Yoga, Pilates, Playgroup, Over 60’s, Martial Arts, Singers, Parish council Meetings, Society AGM’s and meetings, etc. These are attended and enjoyed by a wide range of people of all ages.

Have your event here
People often hire all, or part of, the hall for special one-off personal events like weddings and parties or for public events like fetes, horticultural shows, quiz nights, drama, music and dance nights.

Flexible Space
Our rates vary according to the different needs of hirers, their circumstances and timing. We aim to be flexible and encourage hirers to use the facilities for community events.
If you are interested in joining an activity or event, or in offering an activity or event please contact us.